About Orphan To Heir


A ministry founded in 2012 by Dr. Jennifer Wayer officially became Orphan to Heir, Inc. (O2H) in April 2017. Orphan to Heir brings a message of hope through the gospel of Jesus Christ by addressing the physical, spiritual, and practical needs of families and orphans in the Mpolonjeni community of Eswatini. The ultimate vision of Orphan to Heir is to ensure that every orphaned child in Mpolonjeni is adopted into a loving family, no longer living alone or burdened with the responsibility of raising younger siblings.

Achieving this vision requires addressing numerous complex challenges. Traditional laws in Eswatini dictate that children must remain on their family homestead after the death of their parents. If a homestead is abandoned, it is reassigned to a new owner, effectively stripping the children of their inheritance, security, and identity. Neighboring families often step in to care for orphaned children, but due to their own limited resources, they typically lack the capacity to adequately feed, clothe, or pay school fees for additional children. At first glance, this appears to be an insurmountable situation, but Orphan to Heir is committed to bringing lasting solutions to these deeply rooted challenges.

The foundational strategy for bringing rescue and healing to the orphaned children of Mpolonjeni is to equip and encourage the local churches within the community. By strengthening and edifying the church, we trust in the Lord’s promise to cultivate compassion and build the capacity needed to care for and rescue these little ones. With great humility and profound gratitude, we serve the Mpolonjeni Church—the body of Christ—for the sake of the widows and orphans.

Orphan to Heir has earned the sacred trust of the community and its leaders by first addressing their physical needs. By providing practical support, such as clean water, food, and basic resources, we have demonstrated Christ’s love in action, creating a foundation for meaningful relationships and sustainable solutions. This trust has opened doors for deeper ministry and long-term impact, ensuring that no child is forgotten or left behind.

 Meeting Physical Needs



Orphan to Heir has addressed many basic physical needs of the people of Mpolonjeni. We recognize that sustainable change cannot be achieved when fundamental physical needs remain unmet. Below is a sampling of our efforts in this area.


    Orphan to Heir has played a pivotal role in bringing clean water to the entire community of Mpolonjeni. The impact of this achievement is far-reaching and difficult to fully quantify. Access to clean water has significantly improved the overall health of the community, drastically reducing child morbidity and mortality rates. Additionally, the local economy is experiencing growth, with farmers now able to cultivate and sell produce to larger chain markets throughout the region. Healthier livestock, supported by the availability of clean water, is also contributing to both improved nutrition and economic progress.

    Furthermore, the presence of reliable water supply is driving infrastructure expansion, enhancing transportation and access to and from the community. This foundational resource has not only transformed daily life but has also created opportunities for long-term development and growth.


    Orphan to Heir has constructed homes for several families, particularly for grandmothers raising multiple orphans and vulnerable children. In addition to the devastating impact of HIV/AIDS, one of the leading causes of death in rural villages is the collapse of unsafe huts. By building durable concrete block homes with metal roofs and secure locking doors and windows, Orphan to Heir has provided these children and their caregivers with a renewed sense of safety, stability, and dignity.

  • FOOD

    The purchase and delivery of food staples have always been a cornerstone of our outreach to families in the community. During each visit to a homestead, our team provides basic provisions designed to sustain a family of six for approximately two weeks. The ongoing global COVID-19 crisis has made food acquisition an even greater challenge, particularly during the dry winter season. To address this the delivery of emergency supplies is carefully organized by local church leadership, ensuring that those with the most critical needs receive the care and support they require.

 Equipping The Church



We believe that the Lord’s plan for reaching and rescuing orphans is through the families within the Church of Mpolonjeni. As such, equipping and encouraging the churches in the community is one of our highest priorities.

  • When we arrived in Mpolonjeni, we discovered that many of the pastors in this rural area did not own a copy of God’s Word. In response, Orphan to Heir has distributed hundreds of large print, leather bound Bibles in the SiSwati language to pastors and church leaders, equipping them with this essential resource for their ministry.

  • Formal training is a luxury most pastors never imagined they would attain. Orphan to Heir was honored to sponsor 50 local pastors for a two-year seminary program, which the majority successfully completed, earning certificates in Christian Leadership. In addition, these pastors, along with several others, have completed advanced courses in trauma and marriage counseling. The newfound confidence they exhibit in handling and teaching God’s Word is truly remarkable and inspiring.

  • Since 2017, Orphan to Heir has sponsored the Mpolonjeni pastors to attend the International Levite’s Conference. This conference brings together pastors from numerous African nations, aiming to equip and encourage them through fellowship, worship, teaching, and networking with other pastors at local, regional, and international levels. It has become a highly anticipated annual event. Additionally, the Mpolonjeni pastors visit our Hope Center campus weekly for prayer, planning, and mutual encouragement, fostering a strong sense of community and collaboration.

  • Before 2018, the women of Mpolonjeni were unfamiliar with the concept of a women’s conference—something often taken for granted in America. However, thanks to our established integrity and the trust earned from the Mpolonjeni church leadership, we were granted the opportunity to host a gathering specifically designed to meet the spiritual needs of the women and teen girls in the community. Working with women and children remains a core priority for Orphan to Heir. Teaching from God’s Word and investing in the mothers of Mpolonjeni are foundational activities in our ministry.

  • Historically, ministry and teaching within Christian churches in Eswatini have primarily focused on adults. However, in August 2019, Orphan to Heir organized a transformative conference for church leaders interested in starting or enhancing ministries for young children. Over the course of three days, nearly 100 leaders gathered to explore God’s Word, learning about the importance of children and the Father’s tender heart toward them. The conference introduced foundational principles of Trust-Based Relational Intervention, effective teaching strategies, and practical methods for developing Bible-based teaching curricula. Attendees expressed great enthusiasm for implementing these strategies, including engaging games and activities, within their churches. Since then, children’s ministry has continued to flourish in the community. The Hope Center in Mpolonjeni now serves as a spacious hub for ongoing development and training of church leadership.

  • Due to often insufficient congregational giving to fully support pastors and their families, we have supported a small business microloan program designed to address this challenge. Through this initiative, pastors have been empowered to engage in entrepreneurial ventures such as piggery, poultry, goat and rabbit breeding, vegetable farming, bakeries, and small eateries. These endeavors provide a sustainable means for pastors to support their families while continuing to minister effectively to their communities.

Meet Our Founders



Dr. Jennifer Wayer


Sarah Wayer Zhukov

In 2012, Dr. Wayer and her daughter Sarah embarked on a life-changing trip to the Kingdom of Eswatini. Inspired by the immense need and God’s calling, they founded Orphan to Heir to support the community of Mpolonjeni. Following a 25-year career in dentistry, Dr. Wayer sold her dental practice to fully dedicate herself to the mission God placed on her heart. Now residing with her family in Florida, she is passionate about serving the Lord and the people of Eswatini. Dr. Wayer spends much of her time speaking and teaching about global missions in churches and social organizations, inspiring others to make a difference.

Driven by her passion for the people of Eswatini, Sarah W. Zhukov earned a master’s degree in Developmental Trauma from Texas Christian University and became a licensed TBRI (Trust-Based Relational Intervention) practitioner, focusing on serving foster and adoptive families. She further advanced her education by obtaining a second master’s degree in Social Work. Sarah brings her dedication to transforming systems of care to Mpolonjeni, helping children and adults heal from trauma. As part of her work, she teaches community leaders about the effects of complex trauma and how to implement trauma-informed practices within the church. Sarah serves as the Director of Mental Health Services for Orphan to Heir, continuing her mission to promote healing and restoration.