About Orphan To Heir
A ministry begun in 2012 by Dr. Jennifer H. Wayer officially became Orphan to Heir, Inc. in April 2017. Orphan to Heir (O2H) brings a message of hope with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by ministering to the spiritual, physical, and practical needs of the families and orphans of Mpolonjeni, eSwatini. Ultimately, the vision of Orphan to Heir is to see that every orphaned child in the community of Mpolonjeni is adopted into a family and no longer living alone or carrying the responsibility of raising younger siblings. There are many complicating and complex factors that must be addressed in order for this to be a reality. The traditional laws of eSwatini require that the children remain on their homesteads after the death of their parents. An abandoned homestead is reassigned to a new “owner”, effectively taking away the child’s inheritance, security, and identity. Neighboring families will typically “look after” the young ones, but due to their own impoverished circumstances, generally do not have the capacity to feed, clothe, or pay school fees for additional children. On the surface, this looks like an impossible situation...BUT GOD!
In the winter of 2015, the Lord answered our prayers for the rescue and healing of these children whom the world has forgotten. His instruction was to equip and encourage the Church of Mpolonjeni. Through the edification of the Church, the Lord has promised to bring about a compassion and a capacity to rescue these little ones, and so, our journey of obedience to this call began. It is with great humility and profound gratitude that we serve the Mpolonjeni Church, the Body of Christ, for the sake of the widow and the orphan. Orphan to Heir has earned the sacred trust of the community and the community leadership by meeting the physical needs of the people first.
Meeting Physical Needs
Orphan to Heir has met many basic physical needs of the people of Mpolonjeni. We understand that you cannot implement social change when basic physical needs are unmet. A sampling of our engagement in this regard are listed below.
O2H has been largely responsible for the delivery of clean water to the entire community. The effects of this accomplishment are far reaching and impossible to fully quantify. Not only has the health of the community improved and the child morbidity / mortality rate dramatically decreased, but the economy of the community is growing. The famers are growing and selling produce to larger chain markets throughout the region. The resources provided by healthier livestock is likewise contributing to improved health and economic growth. We are now beginning to see infrastructure expand leading into and out of the community—all because of the availability of water!
O2H has built homes for several families where grandmothers are raising multiple orphans and vulnerable children. Aside from HIV/AIDS, the next leading cause of death in the rural villages is collapsing huts. Building concrete block homes with metal roofs, complete with locking doors and windows, has given these children and their caregivers a feeling of safety and dignity.
The purchase and delivery of food staples has always been a standard practice for our visits to families in the community. Our teams bring basic provisions that will last a family of six approximately two weeks every time we visit the homesteads. The current global Covid-19 crisis has made food acquisition an even greater challenge for everyone, especially during the dry winter season. Last August, O2H was able to purchase and deliver critical food supplies which benefitted more than 800 people. The delivery of the emergency supplies were organized by the local church leadership to ensure that those with the most critical needs were cared for.
Equipping The Church
Because we believe that the Lord’s plan is to access and rescue the orphans through the families that comprise the Church in Mpolonjeni, equipping and encouraging the churches in the community is a very high priority.
Most pastors in the rural areas like Mpolonjeni do not own a copy of God’s Word. O2H has distributed hundreds of NLT large print, leather bound Bibles in the SiSwati language to pastors and church leadership.
Formal training is a luxury that most pastors never dreamt they would attain. O2H was honored to sponsor 50 local pastors for a two year seminary program. Almost all of them completed their education and received a Certificate in Christian Leadership. These pastors, along with several additional pastors, have also completed advanced courses in trauma counseling as well as marriage counseling. To see the new-found confidence in the handling and teaching of God’s Word is remarkable to say the least!
Since 2017, Orphan to Heir has sponsored the Mpolonjeni pastors to attend the International Levite’s Conference in Mbabane, the capital city of eSwatini. This conference is attended by pastors from many African nations and is purposed to encourage and equip pastors through fellowship, worship, teaching, and networking with other pastors locally, regionally, and internationally. This is a much anticipated event every February. Our founders have been honored to be a keynote speakers at this event as well. It is the joy of a lifetime to fellowship with these men and women of God!
Prior to 2018, the women of Mpolonjeni were unfamiliar with the concept of a Women’s Conference, which is something that we in America take for granted! Because of our proven integrity and earned trust with the Mpolonjeni church leadership, we were given permission to gather with the women of the community for an event specifically tailored to their spiritual needs. There was no cost, except that we required each woman bring a teenage girl with her to the conference. For three days we taught from God’s Word and marveled at the movement of the Spirit as the women began to hear His gentle whispers of love in their hearts. Freedom and salvation met us in a mighty way! This radical change in the lives of the 150 women who attended prompted many of the men to come stand along the fence at the perimeter to listen in on the conference. The joy spread like a wildfire, even into the streets hundreds of yards away. Singing and worship, raising of hands to heaven and people falling to their knees in the presence of the Almighty could be seen even in the distant market places! The leadership insisted that we facilitate this gathering, Thirst Conference, annually.
Historically, ministry and teaching in the Christian churches in eSwatini has focused primarily on adults and not considered the spiritual development of children. Conviction by Holy Spirit, however, is challenging this cultural norm. In August 2019, Orphan to Heir facilitated a conference for church leaders who wanted to launch or improve their ministry for young children. For three days, nearly 100 leaders came to learn from God’s Word the importance of children and the Father’s tender heart for children. They were taught basic concepts of Trust-Based Relational Intervention, teaching strategies, and how to develop their own teaching curriculum from stories in the Bible. The pastors reported great enthusiasm to implement these strategies and children’s learning games and activities in their churches. Also, Orphan to Heir was pleased to fund the purchase of a large “REVIVAL STYLE” VINYL TENT FOR THE COLLECTIVE CHURCHES to use for children’s outreach and Bible clubs in remote areas.
Because congregational giving is often inadequate to support pastors and their families, we have lended support to a small business micro loan program which they created. Entrepreneurial endeavors such as piggeries, chicken, goat and rabbit breeding, vegetable farming, bakeries, and eateries are ways that a pastor can support his family while ministering to his community.